Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve

We had such a great time last night with great friends! We ru;ng in the New Year with an awesome time at Botto's enjoying drinks and appetizers along with some dancing. After Botto's we all headed back to Jeannie's house for our New Year's Eve celebration.

Our Toast to the New Year
Pre New Years Eve Party at Botto's with great friends. Gwen and Rich, Dom and Diana, Kathy and Patrick, Jeff and Alexis, Patrick and Tracey, Me and Don, Amanda and Chris and Last but not least Court and Justin. Justin won the prize for the most creative outfit of the night. He wore a white shirt with a white belt and white shoes and to top it off his pants had Holly all over them. It was great!

Alexis, Amanda and me enjoying a cocktail right before the ball drop.

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