Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt, Spring is Here but we are still freezing!

This is the closest I got to a family picture! HaHa and Don has his eyes closed. It was very windy and a chilly 49 degrees outside. The skies were blue and the sun was shining but still a very cold day for an egg hunt. We decided to go to Locke Ave for there Egg hunt since we aren't going to make our towns Easter Egg Hunt and it was so crowded. There were three different age groups for the hunt but it was still total chaos! I don't think the kids minded the cold air because they were still smiling ear to ear! We all got candy and stickers and that means three Happy kiddies.

This was Meghan's first year that she could really grasp the concept of an egg hunt to get prizes. She was able to run and pick up eggs without Mommy and Daddy helping her. sad, sad, tear, tear:(  Our baby girl is growing up and way too quickly.

wait....before I look for any more eggs I just want to peek to see what I got!

Daddy, Connor and Mara looking to see what she got. Her favorite candy was her candy bracelet and she opened it right away and ate the whole thing while she was swinging on the swings.

and this little baby was swinging too waiting patiently for her Egg Hunt to start. You think maybe her days are coming to an end on the baby swing! Another sign that our kids are getting older. We did make Connor do his Egg Hunt at the same time as Mara's even though it was ages 4-6. We would have had to wait around for three egg Hunts and that was just way too long, but next year we can do Mara and Meggie together and Connor can go with the older kids.
Getting ready for the gunshot to go off so we can race to the eggs!

Connor took off running and ran to the middle of the field and then I lost him in the shuffle of all the kids so we only got one picture of him.

Mara was so excited that she was able to get so many eggs. She was running full speed with her tongue sticking out at me.

Such a pretty little girl with a great big, happy smile!

Samara and Connor with their buddies Sully and Tyson at the Easter Egg Hunt.

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