Saturday, March 16, 2013

Connor's first 5K and highlights from the week!

We are so proud of Connor for running his first 5k at the "Lucky Laces" South Harrison Leaping Leprechaun race. He did a few training sessions and actually did one 1.5 mile run on the treadmill to prepare for the big day! It was very exciting for me to be running along side him and cheering him on every step of the way. He asked to walk about three times and only walked for a few seconds took a drink and continued running. He did amazing and can't wait to run it next year with his Dad. Yup, you heard me right! Don actually said he would run the race with Connor next year so that Mommy can hopefully place in her age group! Wahoo! Here are some highlights from our morning!

(taken from Karson Sommer)
I am a runner
I wonder how good I'll be
I hear the click clack of shoes around me
I see the finish line
I want to be first
I am a winner
I pretend to be the best
I feel the air passing by me
I touch the air slowing me down
I worry I'll trip
I cry if I do
I am a good runner
I understand I may not always win
I say nothing
I dream to be in the Olympics
I try my hardest
I think nothing of defeat
I AM.....
Connor McMahon

 Here we go, at the start of the race. Connor wanted to start it by sprinting and I had to coach him through the entire race to make sure he could finish strong. He did it, and finished a great race. We are adding HOPE that the school will have a new playground soon from all of our fundraising that the school does.

Here we come... Coach Mommy is trying to make Connor finish strong and sprint across the finish line! Go Connor, Go, Go,Go. You can do it!

 whew, he was wiped!

56311Connor McMahon34:10.370.08 M 0-11
57310Kelly McMahon34:16.0350.07 F 30-39

our race results:

Mommy smiling big and so proud of her little boy!

 The kids having fun at the post race event. Listening to Irish music, enjoying their new shamrock beads and eating yummy soft pretzels!
Leaping Lucky Connor 

 Proud Daddy with his big boy!

 Our cutie patutie in her pig tails. She was carrying her snack pack with all her goodies and trotting to the car with her beads dangling. She's just so darn cute. That little innocent smile brings us so much laughter and joy.

Connor's Progress report for the third marking period. He is soaring in First grade and therefore did not need a new report card on how he was doing. He received this letter from his teacher to let us know how great he was doing in class. He is advancing satisfactorily or above average in all academic levels.  Way to go, Connor. The year is flying by and you are well on your way to advancing to second grade!

Samara is doing well in preschool and is enjoying the last few months of pre-k. She has been getting better and better at remembering her letters and numbers and is starting to write her name a lot better too. She loves to draw and make projects. She can sit all day with a pair of scissors, a roll of tape, a few markers and old stickers/address labels and be content cutting, pasting and gluing paper together.
She did this project in school for "K" week and decided that if she were King for the day she would play on a swing set, play with Meghan, and eat pizza and go out to dinner! My favorite five year old girl! 

Samara being goofy with a great big smile!

Meggie is now officially trying to be a big girl. She is forfeiting her booster seat this week and wants to "sit on the bench" with her brother and sister. 

She is eating two of her favorite foods, toast and jelly and french fries.

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