September may seem like a drag to some people with the changing of the seasons quickly from summer to brisk mornings and from the good old days of relaxing in the sun or swimming in the pool to the hustle and bustle of back to school but for me it is one of the best times of the year. I absolutely love the fall. I love having a routine and love having fresh air and open windows. Especially I love my morning runs and no humidity, it just makes the miles fly by. And as for the kids, I think they were just as ready as we were to get their school years started. Connor was missing his school buddies and Mara was beginning to run out of games to play.
Connor's First Day of First Grade
September 6, 2012
First Grade

I asked Connor what he wanted to be when he grows up and of course he said a baseball player because he thinks he will be able to get his ears pierced if he makes it to the major leagues and on top of that they make the most money in all of sports.

Connor with his sisters on the first day of school. Mara and Meggie were so proud of him for being excited for his first day of first grade.

The Proud Mommy and Daddy and below the proud pop pop getting ready to walk Connor to the bus stop which thankfully for my sake just got moved to the bottom of our driveway. It makes everything so much easier and I don't have to worry about waking Meggie up from naps anymore to run to the bus stop. Ms. Nelly is so great to Connor.

Connor with our neighbor that lives behind us in the court. His name is Sevin and he is in kindergarten. Hopefully even though we are now at different bus stops they will still get a chance to have a play date here and there.
Samara's First Day of Pre-K
September 12,2012

Meggie was very proud of her big sister but so sad that she was going to miss one of the biggest parts of her everyday fun. She adores her big sister and just walks around the house all day calling for Mara. She even wakes up from her nap calling for her sister. I think she had a feeling when she saw Mara's back pack that something was going on because she cried all morning long and when we dropped Mara off she climbed right up the steps and didn't want to leave Mara there. I think she thought she was going to stay and play too. Poor Meggie but I have to hold on to one just a little while longer!

Samara showing off before her big day!

Mara found her name tag right away and immediatley sat down to play with her play doh. She was back in her happy place and had such a fun day at school. She has all her favorite girlfriends in her class and is so excited to have a great year.

So not only is the first days of school but it is also the start to busy weekends and lots and lots of hours at the soccer fields. Don and I have it down pretty well as far as taking the kids to their practices which fall on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursday nights. I take advantage of taking Connor to practice on Monday nights and get in about a 5 mile run around the track while he is practicing and then Don takes Connor on Wednesdays while I stay home with the girls and then usually on Thursdays Mara wants Daddy to take her so Connor goes and finds a friend to play with and I bond with Meggie at home. Saturday mornings are long mornings since Mara plays at 9:30 and Connor doesn't start until 10:30 so by 12:00 everyone is beat and hungry and little Meggie is beyond tired. Our first game day they had a pre game event where the kids all were announced by teams and individual names and got to run down the field. They had a great time and we captured a lot of pictures. Mara played her first game and managed to not even touch the ball one time but still ran up and down the field and didn't pick any grass so I was happy about that. Connor's team played super hard but lost 3-0. Connor had the only shot on goal but played very aggressive and even had a few sliding tackles to avoid more scoring by the opposing team. It's going to be a great season for him and as for Mara we will have to work on her aggressiveness. Connor stands on the sidelines trying to teach Mara how to play and is constantly yelling, "be aggressive".
Samara's Team
"The Dolphins"

I don't think I even have to comment on this picture because this is just our little girl for you. Constantly thinking she knows that she is up to something and she can't hide that little face with her smirk. She really does make a cute soccer player.

Go Dolphins!
Connor's Team
"The Red Lightening"

And here they come like bolts, the "red lightening" bolting down the field and on fire ready for game one of the season.
Connor being the super aggressive player on the field. Always going after the ball no matter how fast he has to run he is right there helping his teammates out.
Connor in deep thought wondering what the play was going to be next and below making an awesome sliding tackle to get the ball out of there!
Our two super stars
Mara got carried away with her pink. She had all her jewels on from her headband to her ponytail holder to her sports necklaces. She was totally rockin the look out there on the fields.
and Meggie waiting and waiting around all day.....
She sure did have a long day but as long as she was eating her water ice she was a happy little clam!
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