Mara had to bring her umbrella because she thought it was too sunny and kept complaining that she couldn't see, but guess who got stuck holding it the whole time....MEEEEEEE!
Another fun adventure for Meggie. She is always so happy no matter where she is and she just goes with the flow. I would have let here ride in the wagon but she had a couple falls already so I think it is best to keep her strapped in for now. She fell over in the stroller because I think Mara was rocking it too hard, wasn't really watching, but saw her tipping and then I put her in the camping chair at soccer and she fell off it. She just looked up and never cried. Guess she is used to all the bumps in the road and being left to fen for herself most of the time. She got stuck in the dollhouse last night and all we could do was laugh but she wasn't too happy about that.
Taking our favorite ride on the wagon to pick our mums, until the cart gets over taken by flowers and we get kicked off by Daddy. This year the mums were extra big and totally fantastic that we got a ton of them. Since Don hung the hooks outback for our hanging plants this summer we got 5 hanging mums and they look gorgeous out there. Connor and Mara can't wait to carve the pumpkins and Mommy is hoping that the deer don't get to them first.
We have been going to Platts for about 6 years now , but this is the first year that I can remember the waterfall and decorations. The kids really enjoyed something a little different. They love to pop their heads in to the holes and pretend they are the figures.
Mara was cracking up because we said hello to the birds and they said, "hello,pretty girl". She really loves to talk to them but sometimes they get really loud and they scare her with their screams. We have only heard them say hello, pretty girl, pretty bird, and replicate a telephone ringing, oh and screech really loud. But it is worth the laugh and they are really pretty to look at.
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