Mara and Connor love to be outside all the time. They have been swimming in their baby pools since Friday and I guess since our air is broke it is the best way to cool off. I just run upstairs every now and then to sit in our room where the air is still working upstairs thank goodness, at least we can sleep in comfort. It really hasn't been that terrible after all. I think living at Don's Dad's last year really helped us to not be bothered too much by the heat and we are surrounded by tons of trees which keeps it pretty cool in here. So right now with out ac we are standing at a steady 79-80 degrees downstairs which is still cooler than outside.
Mara is excited to show off her new Tinkerbelle hat and her zinnias that are growing tall very fast. We are so proud of all our flowers and are making sure we take really good care of everything by watering and fertilizing everything. We are loving the house and enjoying all our moments on the deck. The kids think it is great to eat every meal outside and so do I because that means less mess inside= less cleaning for Mommy! We will not be playing outside tomorrow unless we go to a park or somewhere else because I had Gloucester County Mosquito Control come out to evaluate and spray our property so that we can all stop getting eaten alive. Poor Mommy, Mara and Meggi are like super sweet meat and the mosquito's are loving our skin too much.
Mara's little boo boo is getting better. She fell over the scooter the other day and got a bump and then she scratched it and now the scab just fell off so hopefully it will be all gone soon.
We got an awesome deal at Lowe's the other day when we were there browsing. They decided to mark the hibiscus trees down from $28 to $18....hooray don't have to take the drive all the way to produce junction to get them for $16, I would end up spending probably double in gas anyway. We got a yellow and orange tree this year. They so remind me of our honeymoon in Hawaii. Definitely one of my favorite summer time plants. We also picked up new hoses for the yard, a bunch of perennials, and two new grasses for the end of the driveway which look really good. In a few years they will get much bigger and look super good.
Our mulch is finally in and complete. It only took the landscapers two days to prep and finish the yard. Hopefully now Don and I can keep up on all the weeds and plants and things won't be so overgrown like they were and it won't be such a big deal next year. It was a complete mess out there.
Our new Mandevilla plant that Pop Pop brought us. Don loves these flowers. Hopefully in a few weeks it will start to bloom and then they will wrap around the poles in the front and look really pretty.
Did I tell you how much we love, love, love SPRING!
How to care for your Mandevilla Plants
Outdoors: Mandevilla is cold sensitive and can be taken outdoors when the danger of frost has passed and overnight temperatures reach over 50ºF. It likes full sun to part shade in the summer and a deep rich, well-drained soil. It will also need a trellis to support its long trailing vines. Provide plenty of water during the hot days of summer. To keep a healthy blooming plant, feed it every other week with a high phosphorus fertilizer (10-20-10) in the spring and summer. In order to maintain the tangled growth during the season, pinch off new shoot tips which will produce a bushier plant. Trimming will not reduce flowering as it blooms on new growth. Use the cuttings to make new plants.
This is for you Honey, just in case you wanted to know.
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