The Weekend We have all been waiting patiently for is HERE!
Don't know what you all have planned but I started my weekend visiting great friends and enjoying a mini baby shower for my girlfriend, Kristen. We grilled our own pizzas that the kids helped make and had we-tid bits of adult conversation. Then it was time to hit the road home before I got stuck in hours of shore traffic coming home from Pa. I couldn't believe it, but 322 was crazy, thank goodness I know all the backroads. We are looking forward to a relaxing weekend with Don being off until Tuesday. Having good friends over tomorrow for dinner and then nothing much planned so maybe a little yard work, powerwashing and herb and garden planting....YOUR WEEKEND MIGHT BE GOING A LITTLE LIKE THIS....
Productivity is low, lunch breaks are long, and lines at salons are out the door for pedicures and bikini waxes. It could only mean one thing; Memorial Day Weekend is near!If you haven't made plans to join the throngs in thongs heading to the Jersey Shore, it's not too late. Plan a day trip or even an overnight with the help of our Jersey Shore Guide.
And if beaches aren't an an option this Memorial Day, don't fret. There is plenty going on here in Philly. To get you in a patriotic mood, take part in the Memorial Day Commemoration at Valley Forge National Park, or the weekend-long festivities at the National Constitution Center.
Or check out the Race Street Pier festivities, which may not have much to do with paying homage to the nation, but is sure to be a blast.
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service.
There are many stories as to its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns laying claim to being the birthplace of Memorial Day. There is also evidence that organized women's groups in the South were decorating graves before the end of the Civil War: a hymn published in 1867, "Kneel Where Our Loves are Sleeping" by Nella L. Sweet carried the dedication "To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead" (Source: Duke University's Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920). While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it's difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. It is more likely that it had many separate beginnings; each of those towns and every planned or spontaneous gathering of people to honor the war dead in the 1860's tapped into the general human need to honor our dead, each contributed honorably to the growing movement that culminated in Gen Logan giving his official proclamation in 1868. It is not important who was the very first, what is important is that Memorial Day was established. Memorial Day is not about division. It is about reconciliation; it is about coming together to honor those who gave their all.
Memorial Day weekend is also the start of one of my favorite times of the year. It means that the strawberries are ready to be picked, washing, crushed and cooked for a years worth of strawberry jam. MMM...delish!
This is my leftover berries after I finished my first batch of jam. I plan on making another batch with a different brand of pectin that calls for a lot less sugar on Sunday and possibly picking more strawberries too.
What the kids have been up to lately
Well, Connor is still surprising us everyday with new things that he is doing and achieving. He has just learned to tie his shoes this week which is a big milestone for him. He was super determined because I think one of the girls in his class knows how to do it so he asked us how to do it and practiced for hours on end with a little frustration here and there but came out successful. Sad for Mommy and Daddy, one less thing he needs us for now. Want to learn how to tie shoelaces? Here's eighteen different shoelace knots, including several that have been created. Don't be put off by this daunting collection - most people only need to learn one "regular" knot and perhaps one "secure" knot. It also helps to have other choices in case one particular knot proves frustrating, especially when learning to tie shoelaces for the first time.
Does God Really Care About How I Tie My Shoes?
I came across this information while I was researching tying your shoes and thought it was interesting so you might too.
Yes, actually. There is a halacha – a statement in the code of Jewish law (Shulchan Aruch 2:4) – relating to the order in which a person puts on his/her shoes. First the right, then the left. The questions is: does God *really* care about the order in which I am putting on my shoes? And for that matter, does God *really* care about anything else I do throughout the day? And what does this have to do with Jewish identity anyways?
The truth is that God does care about the order in which we put on our shoes. Not because we “help” God or “hurt” God based on the extent to which we incorporate Jewish law into our lives, but rather for a much deeper, meaningful reason. God cares because God wants us to get the most out of life! Hashem is often referred to as our Father in Heaven who loves us, and just like every parent wants the best for their children, so too does Hashem want the best for us. Just like a parent will impart to a child important habits which create a healthy lifestyle, so too Hashem through the Torah teaches us ways to live an unbelievably fulfilling life. Somehow, the order in which we tie our shoes must, by definition, teach us something unbelievably important about getting the most out of life. The question is: what?
One of the secrets to a meaningful life is to be aware at every moment – to think about our purpose – why are we doing what we are doing? What is it all for? Humans have an uncanny ability to lose focus on what is really important in life and get caught up in the menial and trivial. How many times have relationships ended over something petty? How many times have you opened an SMS while in the middle of a conversation with somebody? Judaism places immense importance on staying focused and avoiding autopilot. That is why we place a mezuzah on the doorposts of our homes – to remind us to think about why we are entering a room – what is the purpose in my being here?
This is also the wisdom behind why halacha tells us to tie our right shoe before the left. On a simple level, it comes to remind us to pay attention to the seemingly menial aspects of life; if we are supposed to avoid auto-pilot when tying our shoes, all-the-more-so when it comes to every other aspect of life. On a deeper level, kabbalah – Jewish mysticism – teaches that the right side represents the attribute of gentle lovingkindness, whereas the left side represents strict, unwavering justice. Jewish law is teaching us to constantly pay attention to our various character traits – there is a time for lovingkindness, and there is a time to be unwavering.
As humans who have a uncanny ability to lose sight of the big picture of life, and to so easily slip into autopilot mode, does it not make sense to scatter reminders throughout our lives to recharge our focus?
Grab some shoelaces or a piece of rope, get comfortable and give them a try!
Mara is still my little sidekick. We definitely have a great time hanging out together with Meggie and continue our fun girly shopping and running around. Mara is beginning to sound just like me when she plays or talks which is really mind opening and a little scary because when I hear her talk I think to myself I guess that is what I say all day and sound like too. She is always pretending to talk on the phone and have conversations with people and does the same with her dolls. She finally let me do her hair and put a little pony in it which is just adorable. Only a little bit longer until she will be able to have a real braid. Today we did pigtails at my friend Kristen's and she looked so grown up. Mara is still carrying on an obsessive personality(wonder where she gets that)...she is totally addicted to nail polish, make up, dessert and now Gum. She also can't get enough of taking the dust out of the dryer when we do laundry. Waiting until you are five to chew gum was not in her vocabulary. If you can't find Mara in the house just follow the paper trail of gum wrappers.
Connor and Mara have their moment sometimes just like any siblings but for the most part they adore each other, try to help each other, look out for one another and are great big brother and big sister to Meg. Connor surprised me today when I walked into the living room he was holding her and I know I put her on the floor, but he wanted so bad to hold her and walk around with her and now he can do it all by himself.
Mara's little do!
Connor and Mara playing together before school one day. Mara painted her own toes and then let Connor paint her nails. It was really cute, he was explaining to her how to do it. Mara is brushing nail polish on her toes and pretty much all over her feet. As long as she is doing it by herself she is a happy child.
Breakfast of champions. Watermelon was on sale this week and was so good. We decided it would be a could treat in the morning. Another great reason why I love this time of year. You just can't get enough delicious fruit.Meg is pretty much done with the pappasan swing, a bitter sweet moment putting it away until I can give it to the next momma of three(Jessica, can't wait to have it back in her house). I feel like Meg is growing up so fast these days. She is now having to use the travel swing if we are going out back because I know she won't roll out of it. She is beginning to get her two bottom teeth and now eating three solid foods a day. She gets rice cereal for breakfast, a fruit for lunch and a veggie for dinner. We tried green beans but she kept her lips pursed shut the entire time so I don't think she is a big fan and Don commented on it saying, "well, I need one of the kids to eat like me" because Connor and Mara both love veggies like Mommy.
Connor and Mara love to play with Crayola Presto Dots. Its like playdough but a lot less messy and a bit more fun. You can make a ton of different objects, animals or monsters and pretty much do what ever you want to create something. Mara just blobs hers all together and makes a great big bracelet or necklace to wear but Connor really likes to follow the directions and make the samples on the box. I really like playing with them too because it is very creative and they will actually sit there for a while making things which helps me to get a little bit done around the house. It was great during the last two weeks when all it did was rain.
Mara spending some time with Pop Pop. She loves to play in his car all the time when he comes over and now Pop Pop got a new car so it is so exciting to go and play in there and find out what all the buttons do. She is such a little princess all the sudden. Everyday all she wants to wear is dresses. So I have been buying cheap dresses from Walmart, Babies r Us, and hoping to hit a few yard sales next weekend too.
Pop Pop playing around with Connor wearing the goofy sun glasses while Connor shoves his face with tootsie rolls. I had sun glasses on all the kids and pop pop but no one would cooperate with me for a picture but Pop Pop so here it is.
We finally got our flower baskets hung up and our mulch done so tomorrow I will have to take some pictures and then download them so you can see how great it looks. Curb appeal changes the look of the house so much. I'm so glad the dreaded days of winter are over and our not so great spring will give us a great summer to enjoy. We had our deck sprayed for the bees and we are now enjoying having dinner out there again.
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