November 12, 2012
Meghan Reese is TWO!
A two year old is so many things.
A tiny discoverer of butterfly wings.
A hugger of teddies, a sweet sleepy head.
And someone to dream for in bright years ahead.
A special new person who right from the start,
has a place in the family and a coarse in your heart.
And just when you think you've learned all the things,
that your dear daughter is,and the joy that she brings,
a hug or a grin comes with such a sweet surprise,
that love finds you smiling with tears in your eyes.
And our little girl loves, loves, loves Ketchup! She asks for" ketsoup" on just about everything. We went to Blue Plate for breakfast on her birthday and she ate 7 strawberry jam packets and then had toast and I had homefries and as soon as she saw my ketchup she wanted some too and ate immediately stated dipping her toast in ketchup!
Her favorite foods right now are: soup - "shoop" and meatballs - "meatmalls"
Meghan's first Haircut
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Meghan
Happy Birthday to you!
One thing is for sure that Meggie loves her brother and sister so much. She loves to walk around the house and find shoes that they have left behind for her to try on and she loves to steal the food they leave on their plates or wreck the puzzle they are putting together. She wants to be right there in all the fun and she doesn't miss a beat!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Meghan, Mommy and Daddy love you so much and are so glad that God has blessed us with you and that you complete our wonderful family!
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