Sunday, May 8, 2011

Meghan's first taste of food. Yummy rice cereal.

Saturday May 7, 2011

So what is it really like when you are the 3rd child... the other two kids want to feed you and shove yummy rice cereal down your throat. Samara really did a great job feeding Megs. I gave her the first few spoonfuls to see what she would do and she was in mid cry because she was mad and tired and Mommy was trying to feed her cereal instead of giving her milk but as soon as the spoon touched her lips she was wide open and ready to take it all in. Connor even got to give her some but definitely didn't have the mother's touch like Mara, it was a little more messy but he was excited to feed her too. After she finished her 1tbs of rice cereal she had enough and was completely exhausted. She passed out right in her highchair. At least her first feeding experience was a great one. Now we will have to experiment with some fruit mixed in because that tastes so much better, I promise!

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