Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pick up Sticks!

So, new things to learn about our development in October...
1. The Farm is less than a 1/2 mile away and we should just be right there in the middle of their show of the night of terrors. They have their haunted hayride on Thursdays,Fridays, and Saturday nights from about 7-11:30pm and we can hear all the action going on over there. I was putting Connor to bed and Don was puttsing in the garage and I called him on his cell phone and said, " are you just sitting in the garage revving your engine or what is all that noise?" and long and behold after hearing the same screenplays of sound effects every two minutes I just realized that it has to be Creamy Acres. So the weekend nights are nothing close to quiet here in the woods. Just a little chainsaw and train track sound effects, no big deal.... Thank goodness it is only for the month.
2.  Tons,Tons, Tons and Tons of leaves and sticks...Anyone need some good firewood for their wood burning stoves this winter. Not sure if it is any good, but oh boy do we have tons of wood and kindling. Everyday we are going out front to pick up what we can of the branches that fall from the rain and wind and I think if we just do little by little it will eventually make a difference. The big test will be at the end of the month when all of our trees lose their leaves and Don has to try out his new back pack leaf blower to push them to the curb. Should be pretty exciting. The kids do have fun picking up the branches and Connor likes to wheel the wheel barrel around the yard collecting as much as he can and then dumping it in the woods outback. So basically we are just making on big mess for the future when we decide to clear out the back yard. Hopefully that job will be something we will pay someone to do, but for now making big stick piles is just good old McMahon fun. 
3.  Come a few more weeks people will be wanting to pay me to take photos in our yard, but since we are such wonderful people..."the sitting is free for you"!  Yes, I can not wait for all the leaves to turn colors and see the beauty that it brings to our yard. I have already started mapping out spots to take the family fall portrait. So if you want to get some good fall pictures this year just come on over and snap away.

 Don took Connor to the hardware store so Mara and I could take a nap and he got this flyers key there that he was so proud of and wore the entire day. I kept telling him that you can see it in all the pictures and you don't have to keep it next to your face so that we can see it, but he did just that. Mara was super cute, she was trying to help us pick up branches and was torn between playing cars and playing with her kitchen set, so she came outside and said, "I got my forks, so now I am ready to help pick up sticks." Seriously, too cute!

our continutation of getting the baby's room ready, boy this room is going to be super small! We moved all the boxes and furniture out so Don could paint and then start tearing out the carpet and we put everything in Connor's room along the wall since he doesn't sleep in his room and all I can say is "WOW", how is anything going to really fit in this room. The baby has so much stuff and isn't even here yet. I started unpacking all the boxes and now am wondering how is this nursery going to make it without a closet. We are going to use Connor's extra closet for the clothes that don't fit in the dresser and I am just guessing that a lot of wall shelving will be in store for this child. I am very excited for it to be getting started and can't wait for the floors to get down and then we can put the furniture back in it and set the crib up and hopefully it will be the perfect nursery. Here is a sneak peak at the paint so far.
and here is all the stuff that eventually has to make its way back into this room...and half of it I already put in the closet.

So, still work to be done!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Can't wait to see the baby's room all finished. And maybe we can come over to your house to jump in the leaves since we have NO leaves at our house!! :)